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Established in 2004, Healthy Relationships Initiative, Inc. has convened annual Retreats, workshops/webinars and social events. Our focus is aimed at strengthening individuals, promoting marriage preparedness and healthy, productive relationships regardless of marital status and with a particular focus on Black families. We recognize that our communities can be no stronger than each individual and if our families are in shambles, our communities will follow.


Our Vision

Our community is experiencing healthy relationships on every level; family, among friends, among brothers and sisters, among men and women in relationships, youth, married couples and seniors, regardless of creed, class, or color

The basis or pillar of that new world is when the old mind has been changed to a new mind or our thoughts are changed to a new mind or our thoughts are changed to a new thought or new way of thinking which brings about a change of the whole body." 

-The Hon. Elijah Muhammad (link)

Our Mission

Our mission is to develop and strengthen healthy relationships among youth, single adults and married couples.

Our Mission

Our Goal

​Our goal is to; provide participants with the necessary tools to achieve healthy, solid relationships, assess their knowledge and acceptance of information that is presented through evaluation, and collect demographic data on participants to improve outreach and programming. Our efforts will culminate in a culturally and age appropriate institution that strengthens relationships and family life among youth, singles, married couples and seniors.

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